Thinking of joining our school next year? Come to our Reception stay and play sessions!
Bring your child to our school and join one of the Reception classes for a play opportunity between 2:30 and 3pm
Read Full StoryPTA events for the year:
Friday 9th February 3pm - school uniform sale
Friday 1st March - spring disco - theme to be arranged
Sunday 17th March, 9-12 - car boot/table top sale - we were hoping to use the playground and the hall for this event
Friday 26th April, from 7.30 - Triva night
Friday 24th May - Pyjama mufti day
Friday 12th July - summer disco
Wednesday 18th July, 7-8.30pm Leavers silent disco
Wednesday 3rd, 10th and 17th July - ice lolly sales