We had a full governor’s meeting last night, and have a fantastic group of engaged and committed governors.
These are some of the things we discussed:
Safeguarding quiz - every meeting we have a case study or thought-provoking activity to keep governors learning about safeguarding and thinking about practical implications of our safeguarding responsibilities as governors.
Updates on visits - governors do school visits in order to improve their understanding of the school, and also as part of our accountability role - so we can gather evidence to back up the reports we receive from the school, about what the school is doing to improve learning and the whole education experience for the child.
One of the big initiatives underway this year is improving wellbeing and resilience - for both pupils and staff. This year is a year of consultation and mapping what the school is already doing well, in order to work out what needs to happen next. The recent wellbeing and resilience parent information was part of this, and it was brilliant to have such a great turnout from parents.
We were very pleased to hear a staff member report that staff in a secondary school said that The Hills is way ahead of other schools in what we do to build pupils’ resilience, and that they can see it in the children, as they arrive better prepared to cope with the demands of secondary school. That’s wonderful to hear.
We discussed the purpose of governor visits coming up, and governor roles. We each take responsibility for different areas - for example, two governors are looking at what the school is doing to achieve high standards of teaching in numeracy and literacy. two governors are looking at safeguarding, two look at special educational needs, and there’s a team working on wellbeing and resilience.
We’re looking for one or two proactive parents who might be interested in becoming a governor. Existing parent governors feel that it’s rewarding to understand the workings of the school better, and to be able to give something back, as we appreciate all the hard work that the staff do for our children. If you’re interested in becoming a governor please let the office know. We would have an initial chat to find out more about your skills and interests, then you are welcomed to observe the next meeting to see if is right for you.
Naomi Rouse, Chair
Updates on visits - governors do school visits in order to improve their understanding of the school, and also as part of our accountability role - so we can gather evidence to back up the reports we receive from the school, about what the school is doing to improve learning and the whole education experience for the child.
One of the big initiatives underway this year is improving wellbeing and resilience - for both pupils and staff. This year is a year of consultation and mapping what the school is already doing well, in order to work out what needs to happen next. The recent wellbeing and resilience parent information was part of this, and it was brilliant to have such a great turnout from parents.
We were very pleased to hear a staff member report that staff in a secondary school said that The Hills is way ahead of other schools in what we do to build pupils’ resilience, and that they can see it in the children, as they arrive better prepared to cope with the demands of secondary school. That’s wonderful to hear.
We discussed the purpose of governor visits coming up, and governor roles. We each take responsibility for different areas - for example, two governors are looking at what the school is doing to achieve high standards of teaching in numeracy and literacy. two governors are looking at safeguarding, two look at special educational needs, and there’s a team working on wellbeing and resilience.
We’re looking for one or two proactive parents who might be interested in becoming a governor. Existing parent governors feel that it’s rewarding to understand the workings of the school better, and to be able to give something back, as we appreciate all the hard work that the staff do for our children. If you’re interested in becoming a governor please let the office know. We would have an initial chat to find out more about your skills and interests, then you are welcomed to observe the next meeting to see if is right for you.
Naomi Rouse, Chair