SEND priorities - february 2017

Sarah Holme met the SEND team to discuss priorities for the coming months
In February I met with Elizabeth Craigen (SEND Co-ordinator) and Venetia Thomson (Deputy Head Teacher) to discuss the priorities for the SEND team over the coming months. As the SEND Link Governor I have a statutory responsibility to meet with Mrs. Craigen each term, with the meetings providing an opportunity to promote the work of this team and to look at the progress being made by those pupils supported by the team.
The building works to replace the old mobile classrooms with beautiful new facilities means that a year 2 class will temporarily occupy the library, usually the home to the SEND team. However, please rest assured that interventions will still be held, albeit in alternative locations. Looking ahead to next year, in addition to maths and literacy interventions, the Reading Partnership scheme is currently being extended to support children in years 5 and 6. This ten week intensive reading scheme is designed to enable pupils to make rapid progress in their reading and understanding of text, and is used for all abilities. The school is very fortunate to have several highly experienced teaching assistants who can deliver this programme.
The SEND team recently made a successful application to the Bedford Borough Council’s ‘Keeping Up’ scheme and was awarded £6,000 for the delivery of specific interventions to selected pupils. The team is also working with and receiving training from CHUMS, an organisation that delivers mental health and emotional wellbeing services for children and young people.
Following on from positive comments about the increase in fiction and non-fiction resources in the library, it was suggested that there could be a ‘Bring a book to school day’, whereby good quality second-hand books, which are no longer needed at home, could be donated to the school library. A date for this has not yet been agreed upon but do keep an eye open for an announcement in the future.
It is very clear to me that the SEN team work incredibly hard to support the children’s progress and between them share a huge wealth of experience and ideas. I am always impressed by how they seamlessly ‘knit’ together as a cohesive and efficient team. Thank you!
Sadly, this was my last Governor visit to the school as after eight years as a parent and community governor I have decided not to stand for a third term. I know that the school is incredibly excited at the opportunity to take children up to year 6 and they have an exciting curriculum planned for them. I wish all the children, staff, governors and the school community all the very best for the future!
Sarah Holme