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On Friday 14th July, we were lucky to have Sir Teach-A-Lot come visit us for an Egyptian themed day! We all looked amazing in our costumes! 

First we learnt about being explorers and the land use. This involved us learning about the tools archaeologists would use including chisels and hammers, not a cake slice as one child suggested! Then we considered what animal was alive during the Egyptians and now that lived in Egypt, thinking about the links to dinosaurs.

After we considered how to stay safe in the sun and about Howard Carter, Tutankhamun and Cleopatra. We learnt that diggers would break the things they found on purpose as they would be paid more money, per object found so it was worth breaking the artefacts! Some of us got to learn how the Egyptians would move the stones for the pyramids using a pulley system.t6

We then learnt that Egyptians did not use pillows and had to carefully check their beds for creepy crawlies! We discussed different snakes and how Egyptians would protect themselves. We learnt loads of facts about The River Nile, like it is 7 times the length of Great Britain and was forever flooding! We then discussed Egyptian food, including bread and learnt that children would drink beer! After lunch we learnt about mummification and we took part in an interactive quiz. Every time we got a question correct, we were able to colour a part of a pyramid in and the aim was to see who the best pyramid builder was (knowledge expert!).

We had lots of fun and looking at the artefacts was really cool!

See some pictures from the day HERE