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Year 3 have made a fantastic start to the new academic year.

Within English we have been looking at modern interpretations of traditional tales such as, Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs.  We have been exploring the features and language that is used in a traditional tale.

We have been working extremely hard on planning, drafting and creating our own tradition tale based on a beginning, build up, problem, resolution and ending. We created our own characters and changed Goldilocks to Robin Hood and the three dinosaurs to woodland creatures such as wolves, owls and badgers.

We loved reading the take on the tale and found it very funny as we did not expect it to end with the dinosaurs! We have also been looking at new words such as prepositions, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and are starting to use these within our writing to make compound and complex sentences!

Next, we are looking at writing a newspaper article on the adventure of Goldilocks and we are going to report the events of that day when she met the Dinosaurs!