Well done to all the students (and grown ups) who are doing so well with their remote learning and also the children who are still coming into school. This week our blog has been written by two of our Year 4's who have shared their learning experiences both in school and at home!
Charlie wrote a fabulous blog about our English lessons:
In Year 4 English this week we have been reading the book Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. It's a really interesting book all about a family that go on a sea adventure. The main characters are a boy called Michael, his Mum and Dad and his dog Stella. So far, we have read about how the Dad lost his job so came up with the idea to sell their house and car to buy a boat. They're planning to travel halfway around the world. When they get halfway, Michael and Stella fall off the boat in the middle of the night while Mum and Dad are sleeping. Michael then wakes up on a beach with Stella. I have really enjoyed reading this book so far and would definitely recommend it to people that like family or sea adventure stories
Here is a diary entry I wrote in our English lesson:
Location: Southampton
Days at sea: 1
Dear Diary,
We travelled to our boat when it was still dark outside. I could tell dad was extremely excited to experience going on a great voyage half way around the world on a boat. I could see basking sharks swimming peacefully under me and the boat. Above me, I could hear seagulls squawking frantically. One of the seagulls even snatched my dad’s sandwich. I felt a big wave of wind gush on me. I nearly needed to take a step back.
Cherry Rose has written about what it’s like learning from home:
I have been working from home using Teams, Miss Jewell has been working very hard to keep us all learning. In History, we have been learning about Vikings, I have had great fun learning this topic and all about how the Vikings lived - Did you know? The Vikings used a spoon to remove their ear wax! Yuck!
On Friday, we researched Viking facts to create a poster, whilst I was doing this, I found something about 'how to make a Viking shield'
I asked my Mum to cut a circular piece of cardboard which I then painted green and red, I added gold strips and gold pins to make it look like the ones I had seen in the videos. I used the foil from a leftover mince pie (my Mum thought it was my excuse to eat it!) I put this in the centre of my shield.
I added some of my facts to the outside of the shield and its now on the wall in the playroom.
The Vikings spoke Norse, which had an alphabet made up of characters called Runes. I used this alphabet to write my name, Cherry-Rose. I hope you like my picture.
In maths this half term, Year 4 have been working on their fractions, below are some useful links to help learn about fractions online: