Reach for the Stars

In year 4, this term, we have been learning about Space.
We have learned about Neil Armstrong because he was the first man on the moon. We have also learned about Michael Collins who flew the spacecraft and Buzz Aldrin who went on the moon with Neil Armstrong. In history we have also been learning about America in the 1960s. We made a TV programme about what happened, we talked about the Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement and the Moon landings. Our favourite part was learning about the moon landings.
In English we have been writing a newspaper article looking at the language and features. We have been able to include fronted adverbials, direct speech and reported speech. We have been writing about a mysterious silver bag that appeared in our classroom. In the bag there were 7 items, they were: an alien, a footprint, frozen strawberries, moon dust, and a picture of the moon, a newspaper article and a pair of binoculars. We look forward to our trips and activities that Miss Lowdon and Miss Jewell have planned for us. We are going the National Space Centre, having a clay workshop and a special visit from an Astronaut! Stay tuned to keep up with our amazing topic!
By Tommy and James!