Key Stage 2 Bromham Woods outdoor day
In November, we went to Bromham Woods to learn how to be part of Robin Hood's gang!
As part of their Into the Woods topic, year 3 and 4 went to Bromham woods to take part in a series of activities so they could become merry men and gregarious girls in order to join Robin Hood's gang! They took part in den building, archery and a scavenger hunt!
The children had to create their dens using various logs, branches and any other materials they could find around the woods in order to create a suitable shelter for Robin Hood!
In archery, the children practised hitting the targets with accuracy, it was 10 points if you got a bullseye!
For the scavenger hunt, the children had to search for various woodland homes and tick the items off their list!
To see photos of our day, click HERE.