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This month, Year 6 children designed, built and evaluated their own CAM toys; CAM toys are functional toys that have a rotating part, which causes part of the toy to move in a certain direction. Year 6 were set the task of designing and building a toy that resembles a living animal.

Before the task began, Year 6 researched different types of CAMs and follower and built a prototype. Following a set of instructions, they attempted to construct a crocodile with a mouth that opens and closes when a handle is turned. After gaining an initial understanding of how to build a CAM toy, it was time for Year 6 to design their own CAM toys using a limited amount of materials: wooden dowels, circular CAMs, glue gun, hacksaw, corex, paper straws and lengths of wood. Because they were complex toys to accurately construct, Year 6 needed to carefully consider how materials would be joined together and how they would construct their toy to ensure that it was functional.

When the design process was completed, it was time for Year 6 to start their build. On Friday 8th October, Year 6 spent the day constructing, improving and then evaluating their toys and there were some incredible creations – from a caterpillar with 4 functional CAMs to a whale with water shooting out of its blowhole. There were some challenges during the day because it was a difficult task that Year 6 children were set; however, we are so proud of what they managed to achieve and some of the toys that they managed to build. Please see the photos attached for some of the incredible CAM toys that were constructed by children in Year 6.

Here is what some of the Year 6 children said about their DT day constructing CAM toys:

“It was a fun experience and I enjoyed it because I have never done anything like this in DT before.”

“It was quite inspirational because now I have built one for every single member of my family at home.”

“It was very challenging and it was fun because we got to try out different designs and see what would work and what wouldn’t.”

Have a look HERE for some photos from our lesson