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Year 6 have been working hard this year and we’re really proud of all of the children’s accomplishments and achievements already! We’re looking forward to the term ahead and to see the amount of progress that the Year 6 children will continue to make. We wanted to take the opportunity to inform you about some of the maths that we have been doing this year within this blog.

During the autumn term, Year 6 developed their understanding of key arithmetic targets: recognising and identifying the place value of each digit in numbers up to 10,000,000, including those with decimal places; adding and subtracting numbers up to 10,000,000, including those with decimal places; multiplying numbers up to 10,000, including those with decimal places, by a 2-digit number; dividing numbers with up to 4 digits by a 1 or 2-digit number using formal written methods of long or short division; and adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions.  These key targets will continue to be revisited and consolidated during the spring term. In addition to consolidating these key targets, the children in Year 6 will be developing their understanding of Geometry, Ratio, Algebra, Percentages and Statistics this term.

Developing a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, through following a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach to learning, has underpinned all mathematical learning in Year 6. Pupils in Year 6 have physically done the maths using concrete resources (concrete), they have then seen the maths through the use of pictorial representations (pictorial), and they have then applied their understanding of concepts to written methods (abstract). Because of the upcoming assessments in May, children have also been preparing for their SATs this year: Mock SATs weeks have been delivered within school and questions from previous SATs papers have been discussed within class daily. We’ve been really proud of the attitude that the Year 6 children have displayed this year – both towards their learning and towards their upcoming SATs assessments. Every child is aware that they should try their best this year, secure good progress and be happy whilst in school. If every child does these things, they’ve done enough and we’ve had a very successful year!

Whilst we have your attention reading this blog, we would like to just remind you of a couple of things for maths for the upcoming term:

  • Please do approach Miss Brown or Mr Parker for support with maths if needed – we are more than happy to model methods of calculation that are delivered within school
  • Please do continue to engage with homework at home and practise times tables – recall of times tables up to 12 x 12 really does make a huge difference to a child’s mathematical ability
  • We really appreciate all of your hard work at home and keep up the brilliant work!

Have a look HERE for photos of us learning.

Thanks for reading!