Spring is upon us finally, although the downpour outside the window as I write this, may not support that observation! We are now slightly over halfway through the academic year – that is one and a half-terms gone, one and a half-terms to go before the start of the summer break.
The expedition to the Isles of Scilly looms large on the horizon (and I’m sure will dominate the summer term after Easter) but there are still plenty of things to look forward to closer to home, For me personally, our science topic of Earth and Space has always been an amazing subject to explore and its an area I grew up with a fascination for. Also, as part of British Science Week (11-15 March) both Yr5 and Yr6 will be taking part in a live TEAMS meeting with some engineers from Dyson (the vacuum cleaner people). Here they’ll be able to ask all sorts of questions about science and engineering aswell as careers in these areas.
In DT, in the next couple of weeks, the two classes will be constructing their Quidditch stadiums (from the Harry Potter series of books/films in case you were wondering….!) from all the toilet/kitchen/wrapping paper tubes that you’ve kindly donated so many thanks. Alongside that, we are creating collages in Art so any old, unwanted picture books/ magazines/travel brochures/etc would be gratefully received.
For the April blog, I’ll be asking some of the children to contribute their thoughts and reflections, so if there are any willing volunteers…?
Mr D