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This term our topic is ‘The wonderful World of Books!’ Our favourite book so far has been ‘Supertato’ by Sue Hendra.

The children enjoyed exploring the text and discussing the good and evil characters and their acceptable and unacceptable behaviours. We reflected on this and talked about how we should behave in class.

The children enjoyed making their very own ‘Supertato’ out of a potatoes, felt, ribbons, paper, lolly sticks and googly eyes.

We thought about real life superheroes in everyday life. We were fortunate to have a visit from a firefighter who brought in all his protective clothing including his big heavy boots, oxygen tank, breathing apparatus, helmet, torch and gloves. He showed us how every piece of equipment helped him to perform real life rescues. He dressed up some of the children as fire fighters and even made a Mrs Pointon put all his equipment on! She told the children how heavy all the equipment was!

To see some pictures from this week, please click HERE!