EYFS Blog - 9th May 2016

The children have enjoyed experimenting
Hello everyone and welcome to our weekly blog!
Despite the weather, we have had a very busy week. We were lucky enough to enjoy bright sunshine as we practised our parachute skills on Monday - it was almost too hot and lots of water was drunk after we had finished our sessions! We have been practising writing letters this week to Jemima telling her all about ourselves and learning about the features of letter writing. We have also been letting our creative talents flow by creating ants using reclaimed materials. There was great excitement on Tuesday as a frog was found by the children in Mrs Mackay's outdoor area - having carefully observed it, we put it into a habitat we thought it would enjoy - close to the school pond.
The Reception staff also had to work hard this week as we had the Bedford Borough Moderation team in to assess the quality of our assessment data. After three hours of evidence checking and discussions about the children we received some very positive feedback. One of the key strengths being that we clearly knew our children very well and our assessment was both accurate and detailed. A big thank-you to all parents who have sent in contributions from home as these were very well received by the moderators!
Next week we will be focusing on the humorous story of 'The Enormous Crocodile' by Roald Dahl and will be learning lots of facts about all things crocodile! In our mathematics we will be practising counting in groups of 2s, 5s and 10s. Over the weekend it would be really helpful if your children could find and a fact about a crocodile and we could then share them in class next week.
Maths websites:
http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/earlymath/BalloonPopSkip.htm (5's)
http://www.ictgames.com/newduckshoot10s.html (10's)
Enjoy your weekend!