This half term, Reception is learning all about the woods and the animals that live there. This week, we have been learning all about owls. We have learned lots of amazing facts about owls. We enjoyed listening to the story 'Owl babies'. We found out that owl babies are called 'owlets.'
We had a go at producing some owl inspired artwork. At school, some children chose to make an owl mask. They used a variety of resources to stick to their mask to create a collage. Some children produced an 'Owl Babies' painting. The children at school made the fluffy appearance of the owl babies by printing with cotton wool. Some of us made amazing egg box owls and attached feathers to create different textures. The children learning at home used what they had from around their home to create their owl. During show and tell on TEAMS, Daniel showed us his owl. He told us that he'd made it out of an empty toilet roll! To see some pictures of our amazing owls, click HERE!