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Rainbow class have had such a lovely start to the summer term! Recently, the sun has been shining and we’ve been able to spend a lot of time outside and learning about our topic this term: THE SEA!

We’ve shared some lovely class stories that link to our topic: ‘What the lady bird heard at the seaside’, ‘Commotion in the ocean’ and ‘The Rainbow fish’ to name a few! These books have lots of sea creatures in them so we’ve been learning about lots of new, exciting animals.

Our Rainbows have also been experimenting with wet chalk drawing outside, making bright and colourful pictures in the nursery garden. Through art, we’ve been listening to ocean music and then making wavy ocean pictures! We’ve also been playing with blue cornflour, sea creatures and pebbles to enjoy our topic as much as possible.

Click HERE to see some pictures of our learning and us having fun